Sumo vs conventional deadlift, which should I choose?
Sumo vs konventionel dødløft, hvad skal jeg vælge?

Sumo vs conventional deadlift, which should I choose?

Deadlifts are one of the most effective exercises for building strength in your back, legs and core. Deadlift consists of the sumo and conventional deadlift variants. Both variations have their pros and cons, but which one should you choose? Here we will explain the differences between sumo and conventional deadlift and help you make the right decision.

Conventional Deadlift: A classic favorite
The conventional deadlift is the most well-known and widely used form of deadlift. Here are some of its features:

Narrow foot position: With a conventional deadlift, you place your feet close together, typically about hip-width apart. This does not give you much space to work with, which means that the exercise puts a lot of pressure on the back.

Mixed-grip: In conventional deadlifting, people usually use an overhand and an underhand grip or lifting straps for a stronger grip. This is important to prevent the bar from falling, as well as giving you a heavier lift.

More ROM? Conventional deadlifts involve a higher starting position for your hips, which results in a longer horizontal movement of the bar. This puts more stress on the back and lower back muscles.

Sumo Deadlift: The Wider Foot Position
The sumo deadlift differs from the conventional deadlift in several ways:

Wide foot position: For sumo deadlifts, place your feet wider, often beyond shoulder width and just 15-20cm from the weight plates. This gives you a wider stance and reduces stress on your back.

Double Overhand: Most sumo deadlifters use a double overhand grip, which provides even balance and helps with an upright stance.

Less ROM?: Sumo deadlift involves a lower hip position and a shorter horizontal movement of the bar. This means less strain on the lower back and more work for the hips and thighs.

Which one should you choose?

Sumo deadlift is a good choice if:

  • You want to strengthen your hips and legs
  • You want a shorter range of motion
  • You suffer from a bad back, as sumo puts less stress on your back
  • You have long legs. Long legs can lead to poor form in your conventional lift

Conventional deadlifts are a good choice if:

  • You want to strengthen your hamstrings and back
  • You want a longer range of motion
  • You don't suffer from a bad back

Note: We recommend that you use a training belt for both variants as there is a lot of stress on the back. An exercise belt will help you to tone up.

Pro-tip: The use of a training belt and lifting straps can help increase your PR, as well as reduce potential injuries.

Your choice between sumo and conventional deadlifting depends on several factors:

  • Anatomy : Your body type can affect which exercise you feel is most comfortable.
  • Do l: Which muscle groups do you want to strengthen? Conventional deadlifts are more for the back and hamstrings, while sumo deadlifts are more for the hips and legs
  • Injuries and Limitations : Do you have any existing injuries? Some people find the sumo deadlift less stressful on the back.
  • Personal preference : Your personal preference plays a big role. Try both variations and see what feels best to you.

Whatever you choose, it is important to focus on technique , start with a low weight and gradually increase the weight . Both deadlift variations can give you excellent results, so choose the one that best suits your goals and needs. If you are unsure of your technique, ask a friend or someone at your gym for help. So whether you're a sumo or conventional deadlifter, the most important thing is to train safely.

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